Posts tagged quran
Solat: A Reminder of A Greater Purpose

There are days when you dont feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. 

Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. 

And if you find the strength to bow before your Lord in those days, you have defeated a big part of your nafs and taken a huge step towards your Lord. 

So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will lead you to prayer.

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Al-Amanah (The Trust) by @Bintul_Rasheed

The closest one can come to translating Al-Amanah is as the fulfilling or upholding of trusts. Al-Amanah as with a lot of Arabic words has a broader meaning (which will be more apparent further down), there is no English term that encompasses the full meaning of the word. Al-Amanah is said to be when a person fulfills his due obligations to Allah Almighty firstly and then to those around him. Anything that is entrusted upon you becomes a form of Al-Amanah. In the case of Deen, we have our salah, our fasts and charity to name a few; that are rewarded by Allah when we do them and punished when we ignore them

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Ramadan is Over; Now What?

Ramadan is a period when we cut ourselves off from the world and its allure. We strengthen our relationship with Allah. We fast, we pray more, we read the Qur'an more and reflect on its message and connect with it. We stay up late for the night prayers and sleep less. We seclude ourselves in the masjid. We seek out the Night of Majesty. We become in essence the perfect Muslim. The month of Ramadan is a process of self-cleansing. We should use the habits learnt in our everyday life. Learn how to continue these practices after Ramadan.

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Then I decided to wear my Hijab!

I see myself as a trendy lady; a power dresser with accounts on every social media platform you can think of. I was living the life, then I decided to start wearing my Hijab. When my family members and friends noticed my new mode of dressing, they were both amazed and pleased at the same time. Some people gossiped amongst themselves that it was probably just a phase and i would be out of it in a few weeks. But I had my mind made up and with the Mercy of Allah, I would have the grace to continue even though I knew it would be the start of a difficult journey.

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