The Man I want To Be

The man i want to be. The husband i choose to be.

I want to be the husband who will be a garment for the soul of my wife.

I want to be the one to complete half of her deen.

I want to remind her to pray.

I want to earn money and benefits from halal sources.

I want to be the man who makes reference to the Quran and Hadith.

I want to be the man who will be righteous and remain on the right path.

I want to be the man who uses the Sunnah as a moral guide.

I want to be the man who is always conscious of his anger.

I want to be the man that prays and fasts often.

I want to be the man who honors, adores, cherish and protect his wife.

I want to be the man who guides his wife through his dunya.

I want to be the man who loves his wife, always has her in his heart and even when we are not together has her in his mind at all times.


This is the man I want to be.
