#SunnahFriday - Concealing Faults of Others

As Muslims, we must learn to conceal the secrets of others. The act of spreading to a third party what has been shared with you is highly frowned upon. It is sad that in today's society we are surrounded by people who do the direct opposite. They live to expose others and even go out of their way to dig out information on others.

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#SunnahFriday - The Real Muslim

Muslims around the world do their utmost best to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). He is the best example to follow. Islam is strictly against violence in any form, it is a religion that frowns on harming and oppressing people. As a matter of fact, an oppressor is cursed by Allah. A Muslim is a model citizen that is always in a constant quest to better himself. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was the embodiment of the above hadith. He did not seek revenge, did not return evil with evil but forgave and pardoned those who did the most horrific things to him. I would be giving a few examples.

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Shaytan's Gameplan

Shaytan said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You]".' - Q7:16-17

There are 7 major phases with with Shaytan attempts to take us away from the straight path. Find out more.

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Allah's Mercies

This post is personal on so many levels. I have not been the holiest or most pious person. In fact, it's only been a few years since I set on the path of reclaiming myself and becoming a better Muslim. Life throws you a curve ball and you do things you cannot be proud of. We all have those moments; the ones we want to keep buried in the past.

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